Intestinal Cleansing & Detoxification with Kiva Process

Colonic Irrigation at its finest; disposable accessories, hyperactive oxygenated triple filtered water; Kiva process, a new method that biologically cleans for greater detoxification — and purified through ultra violet light.

Intestinal cleansing may eliminate years of accumulated toxic wastes and stop the unnecessary recycling of poisons that build up in the large intestine. Diluting toxic load may reduce stress on the liver, allowing greater functioning of the eliminating organs. The quality of water used is particularly important in this process.

It is Kiva processed to become soft and carries balanced electrolytes in conjunction with negative ions. This PH is balanced into a more natural state. Clean, Safe, Painless.

• Nutritional Counseling • Candida Diet
• Parasite Cleansing • Gluten Intolerance
• Ear Candling • State of the art

Hyperactive Oxygenated Steam Sauna
The use of a sauna should be part of any detoxification program. The sauna increases the eliminative, detoxifying and cleansing of the skin by stimulation of the sweat glands and also promotes healthy skin tone and texture to increase blood circulation.
• Relaxes and loosens muscles
• Oxidizes toxins
• Stimulates vasolidation of peripheral blood vessels
• Eliminates bacterial and viral infections of all kinds
• Speeds up the metabolic processes of the inner organs and endocrine glands resulting in a loss of 200–450 calories in a 20 minute session

JoAnne Greylen Asher combines her twenty eight years of study in colon therapy, homeopathy, Reiki, polarity, herbology, reflexology and massage, and brings to you a personal and comprehensive approach to well being.

Medical doctor on premises.

Providing unsurpassed service since 1986.

If you would like more information about
colon irrigation please call.

Featured in New York Times 911 list


Areas served: New York City
  • Colon Therapy
  • O3 Sauna
  • Ear Candling
  • Consultations



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  • Healthcare
  • Holistic Alternative And Naturopathic Medicine