
The gym currently has 1050 members. This includes 450 amateur and professional boxers and 600 recreational boxers 320 of which are female. All pay the same $85 monthly fee with the exception of amateurs that pay $20 less and members of our “Give a Kid a Dream” program which affords underprivileged children the opportunity to train at Gleason’s without paying dues.

For the most part, professional boxers come from the lower socio-economical areas. Boxing is a sport of the underclass, a sport of the underdog. Men have used boxing to fight their way out of poverty, to fight their way out of prison, to fight their way out of hopelessness.

When you spend a little time at Gleason’s, even as a spectator, you feel this. You will also feel a true sense of equality and acceptance. All members of the gym identify with each other as fighters first and foremost, their differences fade into the background in the gym.

That is a great part of the vibe at Gleason’s. Whether you are working out, a real fighter or a wannabe, a participant or a spectator, you are welcome and respected.

In a lot of ways it is a microcosm of society, a gritty, tough, melting pot, characterized by openness and acceptance, inhabited with a lot of people with big dreams.

"Now, whoever has courage and strong collected spirits in their chests let them come forward, lace up the gloves and put up their hands" -- Virgil


World famous gym for the boxing or cardio fanatic. Trainers offer intense workouts in an old-school gym setting – there’s nothing fancy... Read More
The oldest active boxing gym in the U.S. (open since 1937), the place where Ali trained for his Liston knockout in '64,
This is the manliest place in NYC
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Where da big girlz @?!
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An incredibly manly gym. No air conditioning, no fancy equipment, just people who want to work and train at being better at what they do. On... Read More
Hi come see me the Mayor and in joy my Gym
Come one come all, ask for Q

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